Kommer Kleijn SBC

Director of Photography, Visual Effects Cinematographer, Motion Control Cinematographer,
Stereographer, Special and Large Format Cinematography.
Visual Effects Consultant, Image Technology Consultant

Je suis 24 ème candidat aux élections communal d'Ixelles du 8 octobre 2006, sur la liste numéro 9 ECOLO/Groen!
Ik ben kandidaat nummer 24 voor de Gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van Elsene op 8 oktober op de lijst 9 ECOLO/Groen!
I am candidate number 24 for local elections: Ixelles Brussels. I support the green party (ECOLO/Groen!) list number 9

Wine Tasting
Teledata communication and Internet Technology
Defence against computer voting systems unverified by the people
This site is currently under construction. More info coming soon.

To contact me, please send email to kleijnk@kommer.org